Los Angeles, CA
SECONDPENNY ENTERTAINMENT and SPENT TV are committed to creating unique. quality, modestly budgeted projects for multi-platform consumption. From drama to reality, comedy to thriller, our feature and web based projects completely entertain a wide viewing audience. SPENT TV produces the award winning series L.L.A, FAST TRACK, THE ONE and ADULT EDDIE as well as others. Our feature project MOMS AND POPS is in preproduction with a slated March 2013 start.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Casting Director Workshops - Up for Discussion and More

Spent TV has always been a production company that is pro-actor. We recognize and realize the important and immeasurable contribution actors bring to our projects. And while we ain't rich (Cary likes to say "yet") we have always tried to give what ever we could. We have gone out of our way to work and meet SAG and AFTRA standards, even when it was like pulling embedded teeth just trying to get information from them.
As an independent production company we often cast talented actors who are new to LA and looking to get active and get out there. We are also often asked about casting workshops and if they are of benefit or just cha-ching machines for those who put them on. We recently read an interesting blog by Matthew Lessall that takes up the subject. When asked, Spent TV has been a supporter of some of the LA based workshops that offer actors the opportunity to get in front of legit casting directors at a reasonable cost but at the same time have steered clear of those that promise the world and charge a mini-fortune or others that feature individuals that have not been on a show or part of any active film project for years.
In response to the criticisms circulating now about the worksops,  Lessall shares " Most actors in the workshop only want to get in front of me to show me that they can act and 90% of the time, they are trying too hard, not listening, not acting. So when it comes time for me to make adjustments, I spend time with each individual to show them specifically what I am looking for in an actor. I do this repeatedly during the class and I hope that by the 20th actor, the class begins to see that there is a method to my madness and that my instruction on technique has a purpose and comes from over 10 years of casting, 6 years of professional acting, and years of training in classical acting, Meisner, etc… So, yes, when I go to a workshop, it is about my conducting just that: A WORKSHOP ON ACTING. "
This is often in stark contrast to what some organizations do and say when it comes to the workshops they offer. Several actors Spent TV has worked with complain the casting director they've paid for gave them no notes on performance or just a single comment at best - that's a lot of nothing for upwards of $75. And some were no longer casting the show they were represented as being a part of.
So what are your thoughts? Where else might a new to LA actor go to get such immediate access?

After a summer-long hiatus, LLA episode 2 is shooting soon. Regular lesbian lovers KYLE HEFFNER, ROBERT BELL. DORIAN MARTIN and CORY GLUCK are returning for more of their lesbian loving adventures. If you haven't seen episode one watch it on SPENT or YouTube.

And check out our full webnet! We love your comments and emails, so keep them coming!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In Between

Over the past few weeks we've engaged in multiple conversations with other creative people on how Internet content plays into the distribution paradigms of the future. As we've made mention in this blog before, the challenge is always to get eyes on your product. The more eyes your stories reach, the more opportunity you have to actually realize some monetary compensation and be able to live off of the talents you have.
Today, there is no one true paradigm of how to get your series up, seen and funded to sustain them. One could also argue that much of the creative content up on the web is poor at best. The struggle some talented creatives also have is trying to work with both SAG and AFTRA even under their "new media contracts." Insurance is still required, often costing hundreds of dollars. It's also been our experience both SAG and AFTRA do not return emails or calls. So while we wait to fill things out and do the right thing, our shoot dates just roll by. For those with full financing, this is probably whining. But when you are working 40 hours a week to pay bills and support your creativity on the side, the lack of follow up from SAG and AFTRA are just another headache you don't need.
That said, we often find ourselves in-between - good enough for people watching our series to love them and ask for more from us. Not funded enough to be able to shoot through for two weeks and pay the thousands of dollars required to cover the requirements from all the unions. So we keep plugging along, grateful for the pioneering spirit of this new media world and grateful for the talent that opts to work with us despite the obstacles.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Every inch of our collective Spent TV bodies are sore and our brains are fried as we prepare away to make Spent's Fall season of web programming a good one. Our continuing series remain - Fast Track, LLA, The One and of course, It's Just a Moobie. But beginning in October we have some new surprises so stick around.

And stay tuned for the next Spent Brain Brunch, our get together for creative folks in LA. And our annual SPENT BOWLING bash.

Check out the newest  episode of FAST TRACK on our You Tube channel if you haven't already!

Awards season is soon upon us, so Gina and Eric will be extra busy at the cinemas to share their thoughts on the Oscar season buzz.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Asleep at The Wheel

We know. You've been waiting with baited breath to know what SPENT's been up to. Planning. Filming. Directing. Strategizing and our first creative brunch. Brain food. It was a great first get together of creative souls at a local feed your stomach place on the east side in L.A. Good pancakes and good food for thought!

Here's a picture:

We also shot another installment of It's Just a Moobie: 

So contrary to popular belief, we haven't been asleep at the wheel, we've been working our asses off. Check back Monday for more on our new episodes and weekend audition updates.
