Los Angeles, CA
SECONDPENNY ENTERTAINMENT and SPENT TV are committed to creating unique. quality, modestly budgeted projects for multi-platform consumption. From drama to reality, comedy to thriller, our feature and web based projects completely entertain a wide viewing audience. SPENT TV produces the award winning series L.L.A, FAST TRACK, THE ONE and ADULT EDDIE as well as others. Our feature project MOMS AND POPS is in preproduction with a slated March 2013 start.

Monday, November 19, 2012


As we pack up 2012 and blaze our way into 2013, we are hoping to spread the word about SPENT TV and get more eyes on our content. So please, like our SPENT TV FACEBOOK PAGE and post our FB page link on your FB page. Or Tweet us. Or Path us (sounds oddly like pathos). Or make your own SPENT TV flyers at home and distribute them in your neighborhood! (Was that too much to ask? Sorry.)

In return for your generosity, come late January we will be bringing you a great new season with your fan favorites LLA and FAST TRACK as well as two new shows, one a reboot of one of our classics and the other a SPENT TV foray into cooking.

Thanks in advance!!!!!

Dorian Martin, Gerarad Marizilli, Waide Riddle and David Holst in LLA

Jeannie Boulet in FAST TRACK



This month our most viewed SPENT TV webisode is Masselin House. CHUCK COUDRAIN stars as the drug addled son of a woman who runs a halfway house. It's one of our oldie but goodie classics, so give it a watch and share with your friends.


Besides 'stealing' the actors we'd love to have in our project MOMS AND POPS, what else do we have in common with the RED 2? The smarts to know that audiences old AND YOUNG want to see older people that are active, engaged and not just cookie making senior citizens who lawn bowl and watch the food network. RED, the original shocked the box office (and the critics) by raking in the cash. Helped by a comic book fan base, the film quietly exploded at the box office (hence RED 2). Our MOMS AND POPS project is strong in it's action, and rich in character as well. It's layered, thoughtful, funny and tragic at the same time.

In case you missed the pitch piece (not the trailer -just a pitch piece) here it be:

We're building out the MOMS AND POPS web page now and hope once it's up, you'll want to meet the characters in our film, and get to know them a little.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


For indie filmmakers there is a shell game that has existed since the beginning, we're talking long before the Island Pictures and Harvey-Harvey-Miramax days - it's the money and talent thing. The fact no one will give you money to make your project until you have a profitable director or acting talent attached and no profitable director or actor will attach to your project (rather their CAA agent won't allow them) until they see mean bunches of green in a bank account, enough at the very least to pay them.

So what do you do? Crowd sourcing our not, the truth is it is a rare thing for an indie director/writer/producer to be handed a million dollars to go shoot a film with George Clooney, Angelina Jolie or Meryl Streep. Period. So what you often do is lie.

Yep. You tell the assistant who tells the agent who tells their client that there's money in the bank. At the same time you tell the production company and the potential distributor and of course the potential sales agent that the A- list actor's agent loves the script and is reading it now. Or better yet, that the A-list actor is "interested." Or yep, even better still, sometimes= you tell the big whopper and say the A-list actor wants to do it and is ready to attach.

Then you cross your fingers and hope that it all works out.

Most of the time it doesn't. Sometimes it does, but who's going to cop to the lying?

It's a frustrating game to be sure. Even more frustrating when you don't want to pick up a phone, schedule a meeting or sit down at a table and play it. It's a tough game when all you want to do is make your dang movie!

That said, we are now on the hunt for great talent. We are on the beg and plead search for the managers that are not too jaded, and the agents that have yet to grow too greedy, People that will read our not fully-funded script and tell their talented clients that they must-must-must work with us.

We'll keep you posted on how that goes.


At our meetings at AFM everyone seemed interested in our project. Several articles the past two years reflect that same sentiment,  the interest in projects targeting an older, broader audiences. During AFM THR reported on one such film sale.  We are not alone!


Speaking of oldies, if you haven't checked out our CLASSICS section on the SPENT TV webnet. One of our viewer favorites is PORN KING - hold on, hold on, it's not what you think. You'll get a kick out of it's campy style and in fact - it's coming back bigger and better.  LOL.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Cary and I have been at this for a few years now. Forever riding the roller-coaster of writing, directing, producing and hope. This week, we found ourselves at AFM, the American Film Market, pitching our first feature project. First in the sense, that our other 'first' feature project "Secrets of the Son" fell apart when the financier dropped out a few years back.

So, we've been down this road before, like all the other indie filmmakers out there. You get close, you fall back, you get closer, you fall back, you get right to the precipice and are about to take the leap, and yep, again, you fall back. It isn't a creative ride for those weak at heart, nor for those nay-sayers who give up easily. It is a ride for those who believe in the stories they tell, in the visions they dream and are intellectually insane on some level.

AFM is an interesting place because it brings the hopefuls and heathens from all over the world together. It is a melting pot of creativity and a scammers heaven all at the same time.

We did the research before hand, which was helpful. Our associate producer DANIELLE FLORES, Cary and I put together a list of companies that worked with our budget range, at least dabbled in our action/drama/thriller genre, and then we did the six-degrees- of separation thing, trying to email those whom we had six-degree business relationships with.

Success! We got three meetings. Three meetings to beg, plead and cajole someone into giving us money. And at all three, the answer was yes to reading the script. The people we met with were diverse in age, and all related to the concept. In fact all loved the concept of our project.

And I will tell you, when someone who has the potential to give you the 1.7 million benjamins you are asking for says they love the concept and want to read your script, you about piss your pants.

It was a great day on Tuesday. We felt good, like creative people do when the stories they create connect with he total strangers of the world.

And now the next part. They wait game. The stretch of time never juts right, always to long, never predictable that you wait for that one person you met in a stuffy suite on a hot day (or that person's assistant) to say yes or no. Or even maybe.

That's where we are with Mops now.


Yeah, besides AFM this week there was an a election. Funny thing is there was no screens  at all at AFM in the bar or restaurant showing election coverage. No CNN, MSNBC or Fox.  Guess the organizers didn't want any brawls or broken deals for that mater.

Congrats to all of those who voted for the candidate of your choice. At least we can all agree that we showed up for ourselves and our country by exercising our right to vote. For all those who didn't, the official rule is you don't get to bitch about anything until the next election you vote in.


With AFM over, and the new year close at hand, SPENT TV will finally be able to share it's first venture into reality cooking with our Cucina Clarissa show. 
Stay tuned for our update. Webisodes will be available on Spent TV and Youtube.